Lake Charles, LA 70601-2051
Lake Charles, LA 70601-2051
(337) 240-8312
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Triumphant orchestral music plays. Video starts with shot of young man and woman working on exterior of their home. Cut to montage of people working on projects. [Voiceover begins] We were born do-it-yourselfers. We've always known how to build it, fix it, and install it. Teaching you how to do it like a pro is what we live for. We don't just help you live the dream; we help you build it. Cut to montage of interior of True Value stores. [Voiceover continues] And we choose to be part of a brand that gives us the support to live our dreams. Cut to shot of store owner and his young daughter. [Voiceover continues] Our dreams of owning a family business… Cut to montage of store façades with their owners and employees smiling and standing arm-in-arm in front of them. [Voiceover continues] and of having the independence to serve you and our communities our way. Cut to shots of people with the American flag. [Voiceover continues] We're Qualheim's True Value. Cut to shot of Qualheim’s storefront. [Voiceover continues] Brinkman's True Value. Cut to flyover of Brinkman’s storefront. [Voiceover continues] Locally owned. Cut to montage of employees helping customers [Voiceover continues] Community focused. We're about relationships, not transactions. We know you by name, and we've been there to celebrate your life's biggest moments. Cut to montage of parties, projects, and a barbecue. [Voiceover continues] From the first time you stepped into a hardware store as a little girl… Cut to shot of little girl holding her father’s hand as she walks through a hardware store. [Voiceover continues] surrounded by walls of tools and excited for a day of helping dad with important projects… Cut to shot of young girl helping her father paint a wall. [Voiceover continues] to seeing you off to school making sure you had everything you needed to make that long haul to a brand-new city. Cut to scene of a college campus; shots of college life. [Voiceover continues] We were there when you bought your first house… Cut to young couple unpacking in their new home and measuring a wall [Voiceover continues] and the moment you brought your new baby home from the hospital. Cut to couple in their home with their newborn. [Voiceover continues] We've always been there… More shots of True Value employees helping customers [Voiceover continues] to help you tackle challenges and celebrate successes… Cut to montage of projects and enjoying completed projects. [Voiceover continues] and to make memories along the way. Cut to shot of group taking selfie at a party. [Voiceover continues] What we understand better than anyone… More shots of True Value employees helping customers, and people working on projects. [Voiceover continues] is that every project has value. Every tool, every piece of advice we give, every project we help people finish has value. Cut to painting montage — people painting, choosing colors, pouring paint into paint tray. [Voiceover continues] The value of a can of paint isn't just the pain, it's the moment you set foot in your first apartment, and it looks exactly the way you saw it in your dreams. Cut to beauty shot of home interior [Voiceover continues] The value of a power sander isn't what you paid for it… Cut to montage of table restoration. [Voiceover continues] it's being able to restore an old table that's been in your family for generations… More shots of True Value employees helping customers. [Voiceover continues] and the value of the help and guidance we give you, our customers is the empowerment you feel when you realize that do-it-yourself doesn't mean do it alone. Cut to the True Value logo. Cut to the True Value Locally Owned, Locally Strong logo. End video.
Locally Owned Brand Video [2:49]
We were born do-it-yourselfers, and teaching you how to do it like a pro is what we live for. Do-it-yourself doesn't mean do it alone. True Value. Locally Owned. Locally Strong.
About Us
BEST TRUE VALUE in LAKE CHARLES, LA is your locally owned hardware store. We're proud to be a member of the True Value family, and we're here to serve our community. Whether you're a pro or taking on a DIY home improvement project for the first time, we're right here in your neighborhood with the expert advice, tools, equipment and the products you need to get the job done. BEST TRUE VALUE in LAKE CHARLES, LA, we're here to help. Come in and see us today.